Dec 2, 2009

lalalalalaa ~

At first , i was like thinking i am not suppose to join them watching NINJA ASSASSIN . but then umi willingly to give a hand , borrow me her money since my dad did not bank in yet my money . So , we heading to s.k first to take qis's car . i drove that car . Reached at Alamanda around 11 kot . T_T . lupaa . :P

Waited for them them them , then they arrived . then we entered the cinema . umi and i got the front seat . was toooo in front till i can't really look forward the movie , but i get the entertainment where the speaker , i mean the BIG speaker was just beside me . HAHA .

overall , the movie was quite good , with all the scenes , and the ACTOR . :D
"hai , nama saya rain." hahahaha . :P funnayy .

Uhmm . okay . we had fun . :)

Umm . assignment . i didn't even touch even one illustration board yet . T_T
susahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh la na lukis lukis . why on earth should i suffer like this kind of assignment ?

Then plus English assignments . ohmygodddddddddd ! fuck .
PLUS Computer graphic . T_T_T_T_T_T_T .

Dah la . stress la . bye ~

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