Sep 26, 2008

Talk bout myself .

I am Nana and you might have seen me somewhere around here and there because I just love to be wherever you people don’t love to be.

Welcome to my blog/page is a common thing to say on every online site.

So here I am, typing a denouement prologue about myself so kids on the Internet can say "boring!" as they continually read this.

I love wearing fancy clothes and I have my own way to dress up - not according to any style or trends. It is not a very good thing to judge or categorize me if you see me dress weirdly or unpleasant.

Besides, I believe that in my body, in my soul exist a demon and an angel which play tricks on my nerves so that I am balance as a human being. No offense . ;)

To me, my personality judges the whole set of my appearances and it has nothing to do with the music that I listen to.

I deny fake true friends. I care less about what people had done or hadn’t because we all do mistakes. There is nothing wrong with forgive and forget but I know it takes time to say sorry because not all of us admit our wrongs.

So people , I will accept or will not accept u as my friends as I had more than enough friends then .
Im not arrogant to be , but I assume myself as be aware with strangers . They might be nice to u , or they might not . Pick n choose the right friends may glitters our day . My mommy n daddy told me so. ;)

Last but not least , Sir Lump Mud Har Rey Rawr Year Mar Arf Zar Eir n Bar Tein (two 0 O eight) to all my Muslim friends . Forgive me straight from my hand n my heart . Tangan menyalami , Hati memaafkan . ;)

Till then , may i have ur green packet puhleaseee ? :D

0 stalkers talk :-O: