Aug 13, 2009

:( :( :(

Serius , rasa mcm betul2 na nangis skrg . :(
Why am I being not be appreciated by the others ? ada kawan mcm takda kawan . lagi ? ada kawan tapi jenis yg kawan makan kawan .
Salah aku ke sbb berlembut sggt dgn korg ? suka lah korg sbb dpt perbodohkan aku ?

YES , i need friends to live my life . And i need friends , a lott of friends to accompany me when im sad . but where r u guys ?

*the truth is , im crying . yes im crying right now .

Im all alone in this dark room , without anyone , to share my problems . where r u guys ?
well i think it's better for me to quit from this university rather than i stay here , keep broken hearted and dumped by my FRIENDs .

fine . aku nampak tenang , happy , ceria , gembira so korang igt aku tade probs ?
aku betul2 terluka dlm hati skrg ni . :(
Orang yg aku sayang sumenye pergi dari hidup aku . kenapa ? apa salah aku ?

i need someone . :((

0 stalkers talk :-O: