Jul 23, 2010

reminiscing the memories ..

Well let's just talk about people . I know and we know , people that we loves come once in a moment , and dissapear right after they have had already leave their existence in our life . Is that a sin ?

Just checking through my facebook's messages . a lot of messages and mostly I didn't get to delete them .
And the memories between me and him came across my mind right after I look at those messages sent by him .
what a memories .. and i miss those moments , i miss those jokes , laughters , sadness , sorrow , excitement between us . can I just have that moment again , perhaps ? :(

Tears dropping by my cheek . From the word HI to BYE , every single letter could assumpt that I am deeply falling in love with him . Reminiscing back our time , my day is full with joy . a little smile on the face could show you how happy am I on that moment . but why .. why I don't have the happiness for the rest of my life with someone that I truly love much ? -___-'

Tape la . redha je la . takdir Tuhan menentukan segala-galanya . aku pasrah . :(
dan sesungguhnya , aku ingin saja berkata ayat ini kepada nya , sebelum aku menghembuskan nafasku yang terakhir .

"Saya benci awak kerana awak telah membuatkan hati saya terbuka seluas-luasnya untuk menerima awak , mencintai awak , meletakkan awak dalam sekeping hati kecil saya ini , dan akhirnya cinta itu masih ada untuk awak walaupun takdir menentukan kita tidak lagi bersama .. Ingatlah wahai hamba Allah , walau saya tiada lagi di dunia ini , awak tetap akan bersama dengan saya selama-lamanya walaupun kematian itu memisahkan kita .."

0 stalkers talk :-O: